The humble apple needs a mention here. I can't possibly leave it out as we are currently surrounded by them; tonnes of different...
the Burren Perfumery Blog
Renewable Energy at the Burren Perfumery
This a long, pretty detailed article on our 12kW solar PV installation that supplies about 40% of the electricity needs at the...
2017 - Year in Review
A look back at 2017, re-capping on what we have been up to.
Pink Peppercorn Shortbread, Berry Compote and Chocolate Cups
Pink Peppercorn Shortbread, Berry Compote and Chocolate Cups
The Burren from the air
A short video of the Burren in winter as seen from above.
Aubergine And Goat's Cheese
This aubergine bake takes 4 ingredients plus whatever cheese you have in the fridge and creates a rich, earthy delicious and nourishing...
Autumn Days in the Burren
Autumn inclides two of my favourite days of the year: the autumn equinox, on or around the 22nd of September, and Oiche Samhain...