Spicing up
your lifeThe culinary herb bed contains Thymes, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Sage, Artichoke and others. Amongst the cosmetic herbs there are Elecampane, Bergamot, Wild Marjoram, Burdock, Medicinally, one can see Echinacea, Golden Rod, Valerian, Lungwort and Eyebright
Fresh from
the meadowThere is native area for those meadow herbs such as Meadowsweet (used to sweeten apple sauces, pies and jams), Lady's Bedstraw (used as a strewing herb to lay down in houses against bad smells, also used to stuff pillows and mattresses) and Oregano (a wonderful seasoning for stews and soups).
Making you
beautifulMany of the abundant plants that grow along the roadside and in the fields of the Burren are in fact medicinal or cosmetic herbs which have many uses long since forgotten. The garden was laid out to reflect those different usages.