I use it with coconut oil to prevent and to heal skin irritation and rashes.
Marion G.
It is of a much superior quality to other brands i have purchased.
Sarah M.
Beautiful organic oil. I use it for inhalation, either in the oil burner or sometimes I put a drop on my collar. Helps keep my airways clear. I fly through the little 10mL bottle.
Sarah M.
Another staple in our house. Especially during flue season. To me it is the scent of clean green air. I'll often go about my day with a drop of it on my top collar.
Pat M.
Great to use diluted on cold sores/ abrasions.
Sarah M.
I use it to inhale and cleanse the airways. Small bottle lasts well if used wisely.
Elizabeth N.
I use this diluted as a general antiseptic and also undiluted if I have a nail infection and it works. I usually buy as part of a larger order, handy to have it delivered.
Luana Barbara M.
happily grateful and nourished by these natural scents!